Wednesday, May 12, 2010

DQ & A Snowball Fight

My yearly birthday date with Earl was a bit different this year, but it makes me think of 2 stories I want to remember about my life.

1. Mr. Earl Brinkman and I have been going to DQ every May for our birthdays since I was like 8 or something..... It's been a long time. He would always come pick me up, and most years Kathy would meet us there too - since all three of us had the same birthday! May 3rd!!!! How random right? This guy is like 50 years older than me, a deacon in our church and I really have no other connection with the man other than our birthday. I think it was my idea.... I don't really remember.... (if anyone does remember how that all went down please let me know) He always orders the same thing - a Skor Blizzard and I usually order the specialty!! Sometimes it is a hot fudge brownie sundae, or its a mocha frappe blizzard.... I never know what I want to get!

We always talk and talk and talk... even though a whole year goes by and we don't really talk except for a hug on Sundays whenever I come home for a visit - we always have lots to talk about... I think I usually do most of the talking... some years I've even cried - we never run out of things to talk about.

My 17th birthday I picked him up for the first time - that was a fun birthday! My 22nd birthday, I got dropped off at DQ by my boyfriend, who left there and went to ask my dad if he could marry me, then a couple hours later, asked me if he could marry me. This year, my birthday weekend I was only home for a day and a half and was at a wedding for most of it, so instead of DQ I invited him and his wife over for lunch after church!

Which leads me to point 2...

2. We were talking about random family vacations and one of the memories I don't want to forget is the time we were motor homin' it in BC in June. We stopped at a toll road booth and decided to get out and stretch... as I got out of the back door my mom had gotten out of the drivers seat and quickly made a snowball and ran to the back to ambush us as we got out of the back!!! How fun right? Sooo spontaneous! In June - a snowball fight!! Gotta love the Rocky Mountains!!!

1 comment:

  1. we had lots of fun on that trip. I miss the motorhome and family travelling. Lots of fun memories like the snow ball fight and don't forget the Glacier that we walked on and some people thought it would be fun to pose for a picture in their bathing suit.
