Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Memories

Lately I have been having flash backs of memories I never want to forget. Since I'm blogging about my life now, I have a record of the things that are important happening now, but there are so many memories from the previous 22 years that I don't want to go down in history. I want them to live on. So most of these posts will be short, and really only for my benefit and those who are really close to me.

My BFF, writes out a memory in detail once a week in her blog, but I feel like I have too many so I'm making my own blog specifically for those precious or not so precious times.

If you read this, I hope you enjoy.... maybe it will inspire you to write down your own memories too.


  1. this is a fun idea, Britt! so this is going to be a continuous blog along with your other blog, right?

  2. You bet I am!! I have just had so many random memories that I rarely remember, and don't want to forget!
