Thursday, April 29, 2010

Telling friends that I had gotten engaged!

So I'm just thinking about the fact that I'm going to a wedding tomorrow of a couple who have been together since Kindergarten. And somehow that made me think of when Nikki, the bride found out that I was engaged! It was a crazy exciting moment!

Here's the low down on that:

l. The next morning at church we got there only a few minutes before the service began but still everyone in the lobby knew with in seconds of us walking in the door. I can’t remember it happened so fast, someone, I want to guess an Ancheta looked and saw, then screamed!! Then everyone was looking, my hand was the center of attention and I was on the outside of the circle. The squealing was so loud it caused Pastor Andrew to come out of his office to see what was going on. The Ostropolec family was scattered throughout the foyer, and I think Matt and Amy saw it first, and as I was hugging someone else, Meg had heard the screaming from the sanctuary and came quickly to the foyer. I held my hand out as I was hugging the person (sad I don’t even remember who) for her to see. She was one of the people I was most excited to show the ring too. So by the time the service started and the announcement was made most people already knew!! They still were very excited and clapped as we stood up even if Pastor Marc goofed up when he asked when the date was going to be for the wedding – which would be the first of many engagements for our church.

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