Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another College Memory

I have a ton of college memories that are documented by pictures, and that is really why I love taking pictures so much, but the ones I like to post on here are ones that don't have pictures....

Tonight I'm going to try to think of 1 memory from each year of college that I don't have pictures to remember by, and I'm going to write the first thing that comes into my head:

Freshman Year: This one was a big part of my freshman year- but still one I don't want to forget. Every night that there were open hours (the nights that boys were allowed over) specifically on Thursdays but this also occured on the Saturday or Sunday nights tooo.... we would stuff a whole  bunch of people into Jennie's room (she was the RA - resident assistant, and she lived next door to me). We would watch a movie.... sometimes there were 16 people in that 1 little room, we'd be overflowing almost out the door sometimes..... That was so much fun and I'm soo glad we did that! It was a a major part in making us such a close floor!

After 10pm when they boys had to be off the floors, just on Thursday's we (Jennie, Nich, Me and a combo of Jessie, Magan and Rryan) went to Steak n Shake. We played Euchre until like 1am. I always mooched off Nich n Jennie's Cheesey Fries! To this day I love their cheesy fries because of these memories!

Sophomore Year: This was the year of sitting in our suite and talking! Hilary, Mel, Emily and I shared a suite which consisted of 2 dorm sized rooms attached by 1 bathroom and 1 small room that we put all our beds in. One afternoon I was sitting in the little room talking on the phone to my dad, when around the corner poked a head of a friend that I hadn't seen since the end of Freshman year! My ROOMMATE. She had I had a great friendship, but she was an interesting roommate.... in that she was barely ever there.... but she was crazy fun and I miss her muchly.  I literally SCREAMED with excitement which was loud in my dad's ear whom I had forgotten I was on the phone with. I pretty much hung up on him and just hung out with her!

Another Sophomore Year memory can be summed up in one phrase: "What's that Noise?! I'm scared.!"... ok maybe it needs more explaination.... Mel was under her desk for some reason re-plugging things in or something... and I had this wind-up flashlight... and I was winding it, which made a scary noise apparently.

Junior Year: This memory is hilarious!! Mel and I had our beds bunked above our desks, so it kind of formed a tunnel underneath.... we used a ladder to get up to our bed at night... then across from the tunnel of beds and desks, we had a coffee table, TV and couch - a living room you might call it. Well at 1 point during the year we had a nice ceramic leaf-shaped dish on the table that Mel had acquired and it usually had cookies on it! One morning the phone rang at 7am (way tooo early) and I was scrambling to get out of bed fast enough to answer it.... on my way down the ladder I realized that half of my body was still "asleep" and I literally fell off the ladder, landed on the coffee table and the ceramic leaf dish shattered!! All that for a phone call from Jaime Cade (now Jaime Hall) telling me that their power was out (and was going to be out for a while) in the apartments and she was wondering if she could spend the next night in our dorm!

Senior Year: I lived in a house with 8 girls.... we watched a lot of girly things on TV but we went through almost the entire series of Smallville, we also marathon'd Gilmore Girls and Full House!!! Great times!

(I have a tendency to write these posts in chunks, so read the 2 posts below!)

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