Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our First Kiss

I pray I’ll never forget our first Kiss. On our first Valentine’s Day, Nick got cheap tickets to see the Piston’s play the Spurs. We went with Chris & Kd, and Adam & Cheryl. That night I got car sick so we pulled over to get a drink so I could take drugs and then we got stuck in the snow. The whole ride home, we cuddled really close in the back seat of Chris’s car and once we got back to campus, Nick walked me to the door of U-hall. We stood there in the cold for a few minutes really close and then we both knew it was coming; he leaned in and kissed her. It was the perfect first kiss. His lips were the softest, fullest most beautiful thing I’ve ever kissed. We were both ready and it was so right! It was instantly warm.

1 comment:

  1. :) i kinda miss those first when u first held hands and gave butterflies and first kiss etc :)
